EM 1 is an eco-friendly microbial product. It can be used for agriculture, livestock, aquaculture, and environmental treatment etc. by balancing a natural microbial composition that is safe for human, animal life and nature. EM 1 is a living culture, therefore the container with EM1 may expand and shrink , and white flakes may appear on the surface. Some sediment at the bottom of bottle is natural. EM1 is produced under the license of EMRO, Japan. Effective Microorganisms (EM) is a mixed culture of beneficial, naturally- occurring microorganisms mostly used or found in traditional food. EM is made up of three main genera: yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria. When in contact with organic matter, these effective microorganisms secrete beneficial substances such as vitamins, organic acids, chelated minerals and anti- oxidants.